Texas Algebra Ready

Texas Algebra Ready Initiative: Adding Opportunity for Texas Children

Math TEKS Refinement (MTR) Training

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The Math TEKS Refinement (MTR) project has created professional development that explores the refinements made to the math essential knowledge and skills (TEKS) by the Texas State Board of Education in 2006 and how these refinements impact good classroom instruction. Four modules of professional development are available, one for each of the following grade bands: Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. MTR training has been developed in partnership with Tarleton State University.


Because refinements to the math TEKS impact instructional scope and sequence at both individual grade levels and across grade levels, teachers and administrators need to be aware of the exact nature and type of these changes. Often, math TEKS appear discrete for a particular grade but in fact have important instructional precedents and antecedents at grades immediately above and below a specific grade. MTR training addresses refinements made to the math TEKS from both of these perspectives.

During MTR training, participants explore refinements made to the math TEKS across grade bands, probe understanding of what refined TEKS mean instructionally, and apply components of quality teaching and assessment strategies. MTR professional development also trains educators to utilize assessment strategies for formative, summative and open-ended measurement, and to revise instructional scope and sequence materials.
