Texas Algebra Ready

Texas Algebra Ready Initiative: Adding Opportunity for Texas Children


TMSDS is a web-based tool of resource items provided free to all Texas public and charter schools. TMSDS allows teachers to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses on targeted TEKS and then tailor instruction accordingly. TMSDS contains mathematics and science content covering grades 3-8, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), Biology, Chemistry and Physics TEKS. This content takes several forms, including an item bank that educators may use to create their own assessments, quizzes or homework. TMSDS is a teaching tool, not a high stakes testing preparatory tool. TMSDS can be accessed at www.TMSDS.org. You may also contact TMSDS@region10.org for assistance.

Please note: TMSDS was discontinued in 2013 and is no longer active.